Because we all need to put a face behind a name...
Here is the Connect Solutions team
A few years ago...
… the paths of two entrepreneurs with completely different profiles cross: that of René Müller, a Swiss from Biel and that of an Australian, Tony Boatman, totally obsessed with the idea of creating ” A great place to work “. Opposites attract, it is said, and this is how Connect (formerly Qnnect) was born: a secure internal communication and learning application.
In 2018, due to the Swiss Post, who were looking to innovate all of its training in Leadership and Management, René Müller meets Thierry Hostettler, another Swiss from Biel and the founder of the AB4C-Consulting Sàrl company specializing in the development of organizations and individuals. The two residents of Biel decide to pool their expertise and successfully delivery the latest innovation in learning for the Swiss Post, and the Swiss Connect Academy was born!
Since then, Connect Solutions has continued to expand its expertise, including setting up an IT development center in Kuala Lumpur, ensuring the continuous evolution and optimization of its products.
Job offers
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